Look out for a new wave of products about to hit the market place. Perfume Candy combines health and beauty into sweets known as nutricosmetics.
Deo Perfume Candy look and taste like regular sweets. They contain Geraniol which is what changes the sweet into a health and beauty product.
Geraniol works a little like garlic in that the fragrance from the sweet is transmitted through the pores of skin when the person who ate the sweet sweats. However unlike garlic ; Geraniol emits a lovely rose smelling fragrance.
There are no nasty side effect from eating the perfume candy, they come in sugar free and sugar varieties and a list of ingredients and other faqs can be found on their webpage here.
The sweets taste really nice (don’t worry they taste nothing like perfume) they have a nice fruity/ orangey taste to them, very sweet and the bonus of course is they make you smell good.
Look out for perfume candy soon.
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