Dishmatic & Eco-Force

I was asked to review a selection of DishMatic and Eco-Force products. Like many people I am not particularly fond of cleaning and u don’t own a dishwasher; mainly due to having no room for one, So I am obviously always happy to try out new products which makes those tiresome jobs a little easier.
I received lots of products in the ranges. One of them being the handy DishMatic Fill and Clean Sponge cleaner and the Scouring brush


20130725-191059.jpg. These seem very useful products for washing up. The brush opens up at the end and there is a hole where you pour in washing up liquid. Then when washing the pots the foamy liquid comes out through the sponge/scourer.



20130725-191342.jpg. The sponge cleans plates really well whilst offering some protection to your hands too. I found it really useful for Izebella’s wide neck baby bottles it seemed to fit in the bottle easily and cleaned around and right down to the bottom (better than a lot of bottle brushes) it is good on cups and glasses too. The scourer brush works in the same way on pans and oven trays and hard to clean pots and areas. Refills can be purchased for both.
I received a selection of Eco-Force sponges and scouring pads too. All good for getting those grubby surfaces clean.

Some quilted multipurpose cloths which felt really soft and worked well on my table after kids had eaten. And super soft dusters for polishing and glass cleaning.

Next in my box of goodies were some useful laundry products – Eco-Force clothes line, pegs and a peg basket.

20130725-192250.jpg. Using a dryer can make your electricity bill fly sky high so when possible its best to hang out that washing. I always think it smells much better hung out to dry than in a dryer. Luckily the weather recently has been great (for a change) so out came the new pegs and things. The pegs are quite strong and seem to hold heavy washing without snapping. The basket is a very useful product as it grips to the washing line and easily slides up and down for easy removal of


20130725-192539.jpg I also got a bag of bad grips which I haven’t used yet. I think they are for food storage and freezer bags etc.
Over all I was very happy with my box of helpful cleaning/laundry aids. The Eco-Force products are all made from high quality recycled materials thus making my home greener and helping the environment. The products can be found in most supermarkets and all at a very low price.


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