4th Day of Christmas Giveaway: Giggle Giggle

On the Fourth day of Christmas
Bizzimummy gave to thee
A warm cosy fleece
For She!

My fourth day give away is one for the little princesses. It’s this cosy daisy print fleece top from Giggle Giggle.

The top includes a hood and is very thick and warm to keep your little princess warm on the cold winter days. It’s avaliable in two sizes. 4/5 years and 5/6 years.
I will also be hosting a competition for a little boys fleece in the next few days too so look out for it soon.


1) follow blog via email, twitter of Bloglovin

2) Follow/like Giggle Giggle on either FACEBOOK or TWITTER

3) most importantly leave a comment below to say you are entering and also share your tips on keeping warm this winter

((T&CS – all Christmas competitions will end on December 13th. Winners will be emailed on December 13th and must reply no later than December 16 or will not receive their prize in time. I cannot be held responsible for postal delays or missing items)
Win competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com


  1. Karen wright
    December 4, 2013 / 11:05

    All done wearing a onesie keeps you warm x

  2. Diane Wood
    December 4, 2013 / 11:10

    I’ve entered
    let your dog get under the covers – they’re a big hot water bottle that doesn’t go cold

  3. December 4, 2013 / 11:12

    following on twitter, 3 hot water bottles do the job in bed.

  4. lowri earith
    December 4, 2013 / 11:13

    I follow by email x

  5. lowri earith
    December 4, 2013 / 11:13

    I like giggle giggle on Facebook and follow on twitter x

  6. lowri earith
    December 4, 2013 / 11:15

    Extra thick socks if your feet are toasty you will be too x

  7. Samantha R
    December 4, 2013 / 11:19

    completed all steps, my tips for keeping warm is to wear lots of layers

  8. December 4, 2013 / 11:20

    Thanks! I follow your blog via email, twitter and Bloglovin

  9. December 4, 2013 / 11:21

    I like Giggle Giggle on Facebook as Tracy K nixon

    December 4, 2013 / 11:22

    a nice warm vest under clothes.

  11. December 4, 2013 / 11:22

    Thank you – I have entered! A tip for staying warm is to layer up and fill a hot water bottle if you feel cold!

  12. December 4, 2013 / 11:25

    Done all. We have hot toys which you need to warm up in microwave

  13. December 4, 2013 / 11:28

    Following on twitter @ericahughes liked Giggle Giggle on fb
    Layering is my tip.

  14. Sarah Davies
    December 4, 2013 / 11:29

    All done. I recommend wearing lots of layers. (fleece definitely being among them!)

  15. clare leahy
    December 4, 2013 / 11:38

    done all, I swear by my lovely warm onesie 😀

  16. December 4, 2013 / 11:48

    FOLLOW GIGGLE GIGGLE ON TWITTER. my electric blanket is my best friend when OH on nights

  17. Kat Fensom
    December 4, 2013 / 12:03

    Liked. Layers are the best way to keep warm

  18. December 4, 2013 / 12:13

    Entering. Wearing lots of clothes keeps you warm.

  19. Kerry Kilmister
    December 4, 2013 / 12:31

    Followed Facebook and also followed here via email.

    When the weather is cold be sure to layer your clothes. The more layers you have the warmer you will be.

  20. December 4, 2013 / 12:34

    Following blog by email and twitter , @liaburns18 following Giggle Giggle too, and a nice cup of hot choccy in the night time always warms you up!

  21. Marie
    December 4, 2013 / 13:03

    Layers and good socks always help to keep your warm. If you get worried about the cost of heating, go spend some time at your local library, always toasty, free internet and lots of books and magazines to enjoy!

    Follow you on e-mail, following giggle giggle on twitter too.

  22. iain
    December 4, 2013 / 13:07

    wear plenty warm clothes

  23. December 4, 2013 / 13:34

    cosy in bed with the fleece hubby and two dogs !!

  24. Liz ferguson
    December 4, 2013 / 13:52

    I have completed all of the entry steps required.
    Make sure that you eat enough, as food is your fuel, and keeps you warm.

  25. Cheryl Kean
    December 4, 2013 / 14:12

    following on both as cheryl price kean and @madjakel.
    pleant of layers is the key to keeping warm .

  26. Kate Duckmanton
    December 4, 2013 / 14:18

    Entered and followed (TW name is @BusbyFox).
    Love my onesie!x

  27. laura jones
    December 4, 2013 / 15:28

    layers rather than just one layer much warmer as it traps warm air and if you get hot easier to take a layer off

  28. Jennifer Baker
    December 4, 2013 / 15:29

    Following on Twitter and following the blog x x x

  29. December 4, 2013 / 16:48

    Following by e-mail, liked on facebook. I buy candles nice and cheap throughout the year at bootsales then use them to heat our flat during the winter. Close the curtains and door + light candles = cheap fuel and energy 😀

  30. Natalie Gillham
    December 4, 2013 / 17:34

    I have liked on facebook and followed on Twitter. Me and my daughters keep warm and the heating bills down by wearing our onesies in doors whenever it is cold which make us Toastie 🙂

  31. Hannah Bee Griffin
    December 4, 2013 / 17:47

    I follow you on Twitter as @DaisyMaeBee A hat is a must to keep warm and pocket warmers are really goo for cold pandies heehee

  32. December 4, 2013 / 18:42

    Following on email, following Giggle Giggle on fb and entering! I would say that the best way to keep warm in the winter is to wear leggings under your trousers!

  33. Lydia Graham
    December 4, 2013 / 18:43

    Following on Facebook and via email.
    Wear a couple of thinner layers rather than one thick one, it helps keep the warm air trapped between the layers

  34. Lorna Craig
    December 4, 2013 / 19:05

    Following Giggle Giggle on Twitter as @arranmum and email arranmum@gmail.com. Close the curtains as early as possible, keeps the heat in

  35. Prerna Gupta
    December 4, 2013 / 19:29

    following giggle giggle on facebook as Prerna Gupta. Wear lots of layers! following your blog via email

  36. Maria Messruther
    December 4, 2013 / 20:20

    done I like to get under a blanket while watching a film

  37. Tracey Brookshaw
    December 4, 2013 / 20:25

    Liked on Facebook. I love curling up in my fleece in front of a warm fire.

  38. Emma Clark
    December 4, 2013 / 20:53

    Following on facebook 🙂 entered xx

  39. Anna M
    December 4, 2013 / 22:21

    all done @anna8301, I drink hot tea and I love my cosy blanket

  40. Rachel Craig
    December 4, 2013 / 23:34

    Please accept my entry for Day 4 of Advent Competition /Giveaway. I will be wearing winter boots when I go outside this winter, to keep my feet dry and warm.

  41. Lynsey Buchanan
    December 4, 2013 / 23:53

    Lots of layers to keep warm

  42. shelagh milne
    December 5, 2013 / 12:22

    Entered.Hot tea,warm jumpers,and thick socks.

  43. Jacqueline Roberts
    December 5, 2013 / 14:13

    have followed and liked. A hot breakfast and cotton layers underneath your clothes.

  44. Stevie Fairbairn
    December 5, 2013 / 15:17

    Hi, I’ve followed on twitter @stevenfairbairn and blogloving. Please enter me. To keep warm I like to put my jimmies on the radiator for a while.

  45. Zoe Roxby
    December 5, 2013 / 22:38

    Hey all done thanks x

  46. Zoe Roxby
    December 5, 2013 / 22:39

    I like to wear my booties and my fleece pyjamas with a cuppa tea and the fire on oooh! cosy

  47. December 6, 2013 / 08:09

    Following by email
    Like Giggle Giggle on Facebook – Robyn Logan
    We like to keep doors closed, keep heat in the room

  48. December 6, 2013 / 19:53

    Lots of layers and lots of yummy hot tea!!
    I follow them on twitter @olivia280177
    I’d love to win for my daughter, Melody x

  49. Lydia Graham
    December 7, 2013 / 18:44

    Following Giggle giggle on Twitter @kidsdogsandcats

  50. December 8, 2013 / 16:45

    Following & liked. My tip is to stand outside occasionally – it makes you realise how warm your house actually is, even with the heating off,

  51. amanda davis
    December 12, 2013 / 16:27

    all done and my tip for the winter is wrap up warm loads of layers

  52. Jennifer Rhymer
    December 12, 2013 / 19:43

    Following you and liked Giggle Giggle
    I am entering because this would be perfect for my little girl. My top tip is to snuggle up to your partner or children and keep each other warm

  53. monika s
    December 12, 2013 / 21:10

    done steps 1 and 2
    feel free to keep your dressing gown on all day ( if you’re not at work 🙂 )

  54. Shelley Jessup
    December 13, 2013 / 00:14

    Following by twitter as @jessups & email
    Followed Giggle Giggle Ltd on twitter too.

    We keep warm by closing all doors & also snuggling up with a blanket on those cold days.

  55. sarah lee
    December 13, 2013 / 00:57

    following blog via twitter

    like Giggle Giggle on FACEBOOK

    You lose heat fastest through your head and toes so where a hat and warm socks to keep warm

  56. December 13, 2013 / 08:48

    Following by email
    I like Giggle Giggle on Facebook
    Keep the doors shut, use draught excluders.

  57. Kirsteen Mackay
    December 13, 2013 / 09:45

    Following blog via twitter, Bloglovin, FB & Email

    Following Giggle Giggle on Twitter

    I keep cosy by layering my clothes and ironing if I’m finding it cold in the middle of the day.

  58. champaklal lad
    December 13, 2013 / 16:06

    great comp

  59. Denielle Nicol
    December 13, 2013 / 21:46

    following via bloglovin deninicol

  60. google.com, pub-6419179042586861,DIRECT,f08c47fec0942fq0

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Bizzimummy 🧚‍♀️