Do you have a nerdy person on your life, perhaps someone who loves their geeky gadgets and gizmos and rather silly strange items. Well if you know a person like that or if infact this sounds a little like yourself! Then you should head over to Nerdblock.
Nerdblock as it sounds is full of nerdy things. It’s actually a subscription service and yes you know how much I love those.
This subscription service is certainly a little different to any I have reviewed in the past.
Nerdblock is based in Canada but they ship to the UK plus other countries worldwide. It’s a monthly service and costs $19.99 which works out around Β£12. There is no commitment and you can stop and start anytime.
So you are now wondering What’s in the box?
Each Nerdbox is packed full of fab nerdy apparel. There will be a lovely T-shirt in a choice of sizes
I think this is the Power rangers?
Aswell as a nerdy T-Shirt there will be 4-6 nerdy items in the box too and here’s what was in my box.
A strange looking Nightmare before Christmas soft toy.
a rather nerdy looking fella on a key chain.
This foamy yellow star reminds me a little of a stress ball and maybe that’s what it is tho I’m not quite sure.
Iron man paper craft kit.
These products are right up Ryan’s street. I wouldn’t like to say he is a nerd or geek as he’s my son and only 9. However these products are the sort of thing he will be more than happy to play with being a boy and into strange gadgets and gizmos.
This is certainly an unusual gift idea for the special nerds in your life. Hopefully the UK will start to bring out more fun subscription boxes like this one too.
Have you tried Lootcrate? It is similar to this one but I think it is a bit cheaper. I was trying to decide which one to go with but I think I am leaning toward Lootcrate…
Hi no not heard of it but off to have a look at lootcrate now so stay tuned. A review may just appear soon.
Thank you. Appreciated