Summer Crafting & lots more at Baker Ross

The Summer holidays are almost upon us. Hopefully the sun will keep shining bright throughout but if it doesn’t then it’s always a good idea to keep a selection of art and craft materials in a cupboard.

Baker Ross have literally hundreds of products for kids arts and crafts. Everything from pens, pencils, paints to all sorts of different craft packs and accessories. Baker Ross have everything you could imagine when it comes to crafting. They have a lot of themed crafts to suit all children. Plus many new products are often introduced to follow the season.
Baker Ross Summer crafts include the beach, bugs, pirates, butterflies, ocean life, sports and lots more.

A few weeks ago we were sent a box full of craft sets and toys. The majority of our crafts being from the new Summer collection.


Ryan and Jordanna could not wait to get stuck in and making with their new craft sets.

Bug Cushion Sewing Kits I have to admit, I am absolutely hopeless at sewing, always have been. If my kids need a badge or something sewing then I will ask someone to do it for me. I cannot use a sewing machine and pretty rubbish at hand sewing too. I was therefore slightly worried that we may struggle with these, luckily that was not the case.

Bug Cushions come in packs of 2 or 10. With a ladybird and bumble bee each in their own packet. We are provided with 2 pieces of material for each one, each piece of material complete with partially punched through holes. As well as this there is also a plastic needle, cotton and sticky felt to make the bugs.
They are very simple. I did most of the sewing which just involved sewing the bits of material together and adding the stuffing. Then Ryan and Jordanna applied the sticky felt. This was slightly tricky as sometimes the sticky back bit started to come off.
They didn’t take very long and now have their own bug cushion each.


Mosaic Foam Coasters– We were sent a pack of 6 individual coaster kits. They don’t take long to make and are made simply by sticking on foam based tiles to the foam base. I now have somewhere to put my hot cup of tea thanks to my lovely children.


Shell foam stickers– In this pack are over 100 assorted foam backed stickers all in different shell designs.
As Izebella is a little too young for the other crafts, I thought it would be nice to help her make something too. So we made a little card. I drew a basic beach scene and she stuck the stickers on. (I removed the sticker back for her first)


Pirate Ship kits – all kids love pirates and making pirate things. The pirate ship kits come in packs of 2 and packs of 10. They consist of thick foam pieces and wooden masts which slot together without the need for glue.
The end result is a 17cm 3D floating pirate ship.


Butterfly Suncatcher windchimes– I love windchimes and I think this is a really good idea for children. It gives them something to hang up in their room which they have created themselves.
The butterflies need colouring in and as they are made of tough plastic, they do require special craft pens to colour them in. These can also be purchased from Baker Ross.
The Suncatchers come prestrung with metal chimes and a hanging cord.


Toys – As well as hundreds of cool crafting products and art materials, Baker Ross also has a selection of affordable small toys and gadgets for kids.
Ryan & Jordanna received a 6 pack of Toilet putty which is basically bright coloured goo that makes naughty squishy fart sounds. Yes my kids love silly things like this.
Also a 6 pack of flip flop memo pads. Each one has 20 pages each and easily fits in kids pockets for them all important notes and scribbles.


All the above products are very low cost, costing just a few pound each to buy. Bringing plenty of fun for Summer holiday boredom.
Visit Baker Ross to stick up on your art & craft supplies this Summer.


1 Comment

  1. July 14, 2014 / 10:40

    Love the bug cushions. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  2., pub-6419179042586861,DIRECT,f08c47fec0942fq0

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