My Sunday Photo Bizzimummy / October 12, 2014 / 9 Comments Izebella holds her huge number 2 birthday balloon from last Sunday which is still very much full of helium and floating about my living room a week later. Share this:PrintFacebookLinkedInRedditTwitterTumblrPinterestWhatsAppEmailPocketTelegramLike this:Like Loading...
teresa October 12, 2014 / 11:28 If I have the coolest balloon, I would never let it go for the rest of its life. You daughter is doing it right. She’s sooooooooo cute! :> Loading...
Mummy Endeavours October 12, 2014 / 13:50 Hehe we keep our balloons up as long as we can too!! They’re almost dragging on the floor when I throw them out 🙂 Loading...
sarah October 12, 2014 / 15:38 Oh such fun are balloons! 😀 #MySundayPhoto Loading...
OneDad3Girls (@OneDad3Girls) October 12, 2014 / 19:14 She looks so happy, I hope it was a good day Thank you for linking up Loading...
Opus FX October 14, 2014 / 16:06 白石が中心となり気に入らないのか次々と女子部員をいじめたのだ。 生駒とかいう人がトップにいる時点で、所謂努力とかいうのは無駄な世界なんじゃないの ヘビロテが売れる前は「会いたかった」のAKB48だったんだよね Loading...
Opus FX October 14, 2014 / 16:13 猪木が俺も後から行くからお前は先に行けと前田をUWFに行かせたが 「恋チュン」留学応援で感謝状 文科相、秋元さんに SKEやHKTはそれぞれ地方の魅力があると思うのに Loading...
www.opusfx.coom October 15, 2014 / 05:34 この子は前田とか板野とかと違ってバラエティで使えるのがいいな。 一年以上前から長期就労ビザを申請しても(宮澤、鈴木) ただ見たいってだけでカラオケで男3人で誰も歌わずにPV眺めてたことあるわ Loading...
If I have the coolest balloon, I would never let it go for the rest of its life. You daughter is doing it right. She’s sooooooooo cute! :>
Hehe we keep our balloons up as long as we can too!! They’re almost dragging on the floor when I throw them out 🙂
Oh such fun are balloons! 😀 #MySundayPhoto
She looks so happy, I hope it was a good day
Thank you for linking up
that is one big balloon!
It’s huge, bigger than her I think
「恋チュン」留学応援で感謝状 文科相、秋元さんに