
. Ziffit.com is a trade-in website and app, which allows users to scan in their unwanted items in return for cash. 
With once popular items such as CDs and DVDs fast becoming obsolete in exchange for digital media, a large majority of families now find themselves with cupboards full of all sorts of unused discs, which are usually left for years to gather dust. I myself have a cupboard bursting with all sorts of music discs and movies and I cannot recall the last time I took one out to play.
Ziffit helps to combat the clutter through it’s easy-to-use app or website. There are many items that can be exchanged for cash including – CDs, DVDs, computer games (various platforms) and books.

I was asked if I would like to try out the service. In order to do this, and without using any of my own dusty collection just yet; Ziffit sent me a rather large box of mixed media items, the box contained a large assortment of CDs, DVDs and games along with a printed list of everything inside. There’s no need to list or show the items, as it’s not really relevant to using the service. I found that they accepted most of the items that I scanned.

I downloaded the app from the Apple App Store (also available in the Google Play Store). The app is just called Ziffit and I was able to quickly register for an account straight from the app. Once registered it’s really easy to begin, I just used my iPhone to quickly scan each item and Ziffit then gives a price for each. If you’re happy with the price you don’t need to do anything, you just keep scanning until finished.

The total will be displayed as the scanning progresses. There were 55 items in my box to scan and I dreaded the thought of being sat there all night scanning, but once I got into it, it took all of 15 minutes to do.
Now three of the items did scan but the app would not accept them for trade, so I can only imagine they aren’t worth anything or Ziffit has too many of the same titles already but the other 52 went through problem free. 

Once you’ve finished scanning there are a few payment options you can choose from to get your money, once the goods have been sent and checked, the easiest option is probably PayPal. There are two options for box collections: a courier collection service or a drop-off at a Collect+ store. Postage labels are available for printing off.
Once your box of items has been received and checked, the money is then paid to you leaving you with some much needed cash and clutter free cupboards. It seems to be an easy way to turn those unwanted, almost obsolete discs into money, as if by magic.  
Visit Ziffit for more information.
I would recommend this service to friends and family to help de -clutter their homes too 

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Bizzimummy 🧚‍♀️