A few months ago I reviewed a cleaning product for Ecoegg. You can see the cleaner review here. I still have lots of the cleaning product left.
I have recently discovered that Ecoegg have recently won a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation 2016. The Queen’s Awards are made annually by Her Majesty The Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister, who is assisted by an Advisory Committee that includes representatives of Government, industry and commerce. They are thrilled to have been recognised by Her Majesty The Queen as one of the most innovative businesses in the United Kingdom.
Ecoeggs most popular and well known product are the laundry eggs. These are made both for washing and drying clothes and for the passed week I have been using the laundry egg for washing.
These laundry eggs come in a selection of fragrances and are designed to totally replace washing detergent. It’s hard to believe but this one egg is enough for 210 washes.
The egg comes with small bags of pellets. They don’t all go in at first, only enough for approximately 72 washes and then refill.
The best way to keep track of when to refill is to work out how many washes you do per week. So say if it’s 3 then divide 72 by 3 which is 24 weeks. That works out almost half the year before a refill based on 3 lots of washing per week.
The egg does get the washing as clean as any other detergent I usually use. The strength of the scent on washing seems to depend on how big a load I do. I can smell the fragrance better once the washing has dried rather than wet straight from the machine. The egg filled with pellets simply goes in the drum on top of washing and can be used on any wash cycle. The instructions do state that fabric conditioner/softener can also be used if desired.
The eco laundry egg is a sure way to save money. It costs just £9.99 for 210 washes and the one pack will last over a year. There is a larger egg too giving a massive 720 washes for £19.99. And when the egg does run out of pellets then replacements can also be bought.