MGA entertainment have launched a brand new product called Gel-a-peel. It’s aimed towards girls and there are many sets to choose from.
With Gel-A-Peel you can create your own gel jewellery or designs. The packs cone with tubes of squeezy gel and various templates.
It looks quite simple on the box but it does take lots of practice to create something similar to the images on the box. It’s all about following lines and patterns with tubes of coloured gel and it’s not as easy as it looks. It’s also about how hard the tube gets squeezed as the gel designs need several hours to dry out and if the design is of uneven thickness then part of it may not dry as quickly.
This is an image of possible jewellery items that could be created with practice.
Jordanna has done a few creations so far and is slowly getting the hang of it.
The plastic sheet is supplied and is easily wiped clean so she can create more designs.
The kits start from £4.99 and there is a design station too for £24.99. Gel a peel has its own webpage which shows the full range of kits available.