Bobble It, is a new type of creative play colourful material. It’s mess free and lots of fun.
It stretches, moulds and sticks just like play doh but looks and feels completely different. It’s a little like air clay meets kinetic sand, soft, mouldable and zero mess. No need to worry about bits sticking to carpets with this stuff. The appearance reminds me of those colourful little spog sweets that are usually found in a pack of liquorice all sorts.
At the moment there are just two Bobble It play sets – A picture frame, and a vase with flowers (Famcy flower set) ; which is the set we have, plus individual Bobble It refill packs.
In the vase and flower set we start off by putting together the vase, which is just 2 pieces of shaped plastic
Unfortunately these need to be taped together, this is the one thing that let the set down, as sellotape with Bobble material don’t seem to bond so great.
By stretching the coloured material, then applying it to the vase, it can then be moulded to fit where it needs to go.
There were no instructions inside the box so we were left to our own imagination really and went off the images on the box cover to know what we had to do.

My girls decided to use all of their colours to create stripes all around their vase. I helped too and it’s lovely easy stuff to work with.
The flowers were also easy. There are several petal cutters or the petals could just be moulded onto the plastic flower bases.

The stuff sets with air after a few hours yet still feels soft and squishy to touch.

Ours doesn’t quite look as good as those on the box, but it’s not to bad for our first attempt I don’t think. And we still have a fair bit of the material left too to make whatever we like.

My girls are already asking for more sets of this stuff so I’m hoping to get them the other set too and hopefully Addo may just bring out more.
Bobble IT is available from The Entertainer store.
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