Christmas gifts from Sous Chef

Are you searching for that special gift for the foodie or upcoming kitchen chef? Then look no further than Sous chef. They have all sorts of wonderful things for chefs, cooks, bakers and those who… View Post

Find me a Gift

This is the time of year when the majority of people begin their Xmas gift shopping. I am bid in that majority as mine begins in May and is now all done (yes seriously!) For… View Post

Reese’s chocolate this Christmas

Reese’s are an American branded chocolate who are marketed by the well known Hershey company. Up until a few years ago, Reese’s products were quite difficult to get hold of in the UK without paying… View Post

5 Home Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners

An online survey of 27,000 people conducted by GfK revealed that 57% of these people owned a pet. Interestingly, 33% of them owned a dog while 23% of them had a cat in their household.… View Post

Christmas decorations from Garden Site

My tree and the majority of my decorations got put out on November 30th, but that doesn’t stop me from getting more of them. I love my huge 7.6 ft tree and my daughter tells… View Post

5 ways to cheer yourself up this winter

Its dark when you get up, you battle the school run in the pouring rain and bitter winds and then it’s dark again before you know it. It can be easy to feel a little… View Post

Hasbro Monopoly Gamer Mario Kart

There are so many different and unique versions of the classic Monopoly game available these days, and it’s easy to assume that they will all play the same or similar. However we found this Mario… View Post

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