There’s a huge waterfall in my bathroom! Yes really. Don’t worry tho I’m not about to be flooded as the waterfall is on my wall. It’s a wall mural and looks incredibly pretty.
Murals wallpaper has so many different and fabulous designs to choose from. Once you see a design that suits, you then let them know your wall measurements and they fit the picture to the exact length and height. The mural then arrives in a tube.
The mural pieces all come on one roll, therefore I did have to do a bit of cutting to separate each piece.
I would of preferred it if the individual pieces came separated as this would prevent any uneven cutting but it’s not too difficult. In total I only had three and a half pieces to put up as my bathroom wall is quite small.
These murals are the paste the wall type wallpaper which makes things fifty times easier than paste the paper. All I had to do was apply paste to the wall, stick and adjust and the whole wall only took me 30 minutes at the most.
Drying took a few hours and then I was able to trim the ends. The paper did allow for a slight overlap too as it can be hard matching the exact pattern. And just so you know that I’m not using a stock photo, I’ve got a picture of it showing my toilet too.
And now it’s just a case of painting or papering the rest of my bathroom to match the image.
Oh wow!!! Absolutely beautiful ? how much does it cost? xx
Hi it costs Β£36 per meter square. So it really depends on how big your walls are for the final price. Delivery is free to the UK too x