This seems to be a very popular set and one of those toys that kids (girls in particular) instantly want as soon as they see it.

It costs just under £20 and available from Smyths, Argos and many other stores.
It’s not one of those toys that will be played with and forgotten about. It combines science with play and kids can grow their very own crystal tree indoors.
Inside the box there is a pink garden base along with various packs of coloured sand, tools, stones, terrairium cover and other odd bits and pieces. It also comes with a tree and a cactus and these are what the crystals grow on.

It’s very much like a crystal growing science set, this also means it can be hit and miss as to whether it actually works or not.
There is a special place on the pink base for the trees to be inserted. Under this is where water gets put and that’s how the magic happens. The rest of the base gets decorated with coloured sand, stones, figures etc which really just makes the whole thing a bit more
A special bag of liquid is added to the water under the tree. This evaporates upwards and will eventually leave crystal deposits on the tree. It’s not instant and does take a few weeks to see anything really spectacular.

I’m unsure what we’re meant to do once both trees have crystalised. I’m hoping maybe Canal toys have extra tree/liquid packs; otherwise it will end up a bit of a pretty zen garden maybe.

This looks like something my girl would love. It looks like a great set x