So once again Iβve had the pleasure of unboxing a Japan Candy box and this time itβs been full of spooky Halloween candy and other treats. You can see my unboxing video below.
I wasn’t particularly keen on the crisp corn stick thing which happened to be a potato and corn soup flavour! Exactly! But the rest of it was pretty good. Japan do have some strange and bizarre flavours don’t they.
Well the lovely people over at Japan candy box are giving away one of their boxes to one lucky winner. All you have to do is enter via the widget/link (depending on your device) bells and that’s pretty much it.
Bizzimummy Japan Candy Box Giveaway
It’s open now and ends November 11th. Terms and conditions can be found via the giveaway link. GOOD LUCK!
I have wanted to try one of these boxes for ages. I’ve heard really good things about different flavour Kit Kats so especially would like to try this!
The kit kat as dont get it in Uk
I fancy the Halloween biscuits
Awesome the koala bears are the best. Happy halloween!
Definitely NOT the corn stick thingy, sounds vile! I like the sound of everything else though, especially the Pocky.
I love the Kitkat
The Kitkat, sounds interesting
the kitkat looks good!
I would go for anything chocolaty first!
The Hello Kitty snack looks yummy!
the Koala bears xx
The hello kitty snack xx
I love Pocky. I occasionally get some in my Kawaii Box and I love trying the different flavours.
I think the hello kity snacks looks cute but anything chocolatey is my fave! I would probably share with my sisters!
The kit-kat sounds awesome! π
Melon kITKAT
The Kitkat
The box looks so great! Would love to try it out
All new to me so I’d have a job to pick what to eat first!
Kitkat is always a favourite
The Kitkat
I really enjoy kitkats so would love to give this one a try.
Pretz looks very interesting to try
Ooh definitely the Kit Kat flavours!
I actually like those corn sticks, maybe Iβm strange
Melpn kitkat! Yum these all look fab.
The Kit Kats look good
I have always wanted to try the other flavours of kitkat x
Love the sound of the Pocky Almont crunch
Definitely the KitKat.
Oh the Pocky almond crush. I was a big fan of pocky when I lived in the far East but there aren’t many flavours available over here, not even in the Asian cash and Carry
Jane Willis
never tried any so have no idea whats what so lets say the pokys
my favourite is the kitkat
The Koala Bears look lovely
The hello. Kitty snacks looks so sweet. I would love to try them
Would like to try to unusual flavoured KitKat π
Love to try the kit kat
A Pocky sounds delicious new to me would love to try
The Pretz look really yummy, I’d love to try them
The Kit Kats look amazing
They all sound delicious. I would love to try the Koala Bears.
The kit mat
The kit Kat for me
Would.love to try the kit kat it looks yummy
the speciality kit kat!
The koala biscuits are my favourite as they remind me of panda biscuits I had as a child.
Has to be the Kit kat looks tasty.
I’m intrigued about the Kit-Kat, I’d like to try that!
The Kit Kat looks awesome l would love to try that!
I’d love to try this exciting KitKat!
The kit kat sounds fab i would love to try that out
The Pocky Almond crunch sounds tasty x