Wish.com is an online shopping portal, selling basically everything and anything. It has similarities to both eBay and Amazon but seems to be much cheaper. Most of the products are based overseas, usually shipped from China or other places. Therefore it’s best to place orders as early as possible if shopping for something that is more date specific. However I have recently noticed many sellers offering faster shipping for an additional cost. And yes it’s true, you can get “free items” on wish that just ask you to pay shipping (usually £2/£3). The free items usually include items of jewellery, make up and certain other things. I’ve had many of these myself and have to say that the value is certainly worth the shipping cost.
Just like anywhere, Wish.com also follows the occasions and seasons and Halloween and Christmas are no exception. There is already a whole load of Christmas decorations and bits on there and of course with Halloween being just days away, I already have some bits and pieces from them.

Well there is this huge spooky spider to start with, when this things legs are fully extended it’s frighteningly big and also furry too. Enough to scare someone if you place it in their bed.

We have some funky skeleton straws too. My kids really liked these as they are so unusual. Then our skull lights which can be hung anywhere.

I’ve actually hung them over my window, using the window handles as support to tie them over.
Finally Wish also sell costumes for any occasion and we have this full scream/skeleton costume.

The best bit being the price as all of these items can be purchased together for well under £20. Absolute bargain!