5 Ways to Remove Pet Stains and Odours Naturally

Having pets is wonderful, and they make for some of the most rewarding companions we could ever ask for. However, after a while, the odour can become quite overpowering, and it is not something that we look forward to experiencing when waking up or returning home.

Plus, when we have very old or young pets, accidents tend to happen, and these can leave unpleasant stains that are tough to remove. Chemicals are not always a safe or healthy option to use around our pets, and sometimes a natural remedy can be far more effective. In this guide, we take you through our top five tips for stain and odour removal in households with pets.

Cleaning the Air

Whether it’s from the bed or they have just run in after rolling in something unpleasant, pet odours can linger for a while. Many of them tend to be less than nice, and so a natural spray to keep things fresh could be just what you need. 

For a general-purpose spray that will do wonders for keeping things nice and clean, this first one is just what you need. Distilled white vinegar is perfect for helping to disinfect the area, keeping the pet items in your home fresh and clean. All you need to do is combine one cup of it with two cups of water to create the ultimate spray. For the fragrance, we highly recommend tea tree oil or lemongrass, but you can choose a scent you like best. Add ten drops of it to the mix for the best results. 

If you are looking for a spray that combines a pleasant odour with disinfectant properties, this nifty mix is sure to be perfect for you. All you will need is a quarter of a cup of vodka and one cup of water to get the mix going. After that, simply add15 drops of lavender oil, 10 drops of tea tree oil, and finally, 5 drops of eucalyptus oil. This can be used to disinfect your home and can also be sprayed safely onto pet bedding and furniture to remove odours. 

Using Essential Oils

These are one of the most natural ways to keep your home smelling fresh, and they can help you relieve stress and feel more relaxed. We highly recommend picking up a diffuser, such as a water diffuser, that has your favourite essential oil in it

That way, it can sit in the rooms that your pets visit the most and release pleasant scents throughout the day. Places like the room where the litter boxes for cats are kept can definitely benefit from this method.

Cleaning the Soft Furnishings

For cleaning pet beds, furniture, and even rugs, we strongly recommend you get some kind of dispenser to help make the job easier. Something that will allow you to sprinkle the solution slowly, even if it is just repurposed from something you already have at home. The first method combines lavender and baking soda. 

All you need is one cup of baking soda and 12 drops of lavender oil to get started. Once this is mixed, sprinkle it onto the affected area. For pet beds and furniture leave it for an hour, but for rugs and carpets, you should leave it for 12-30 minutes. Once time is up, vacuum up the debris, and you will be left with a clean and odour free area. 

Doing the Laundry

For removing stains from pet bedding and towels in the wash, there is a pretty good method which you can read about in more detail here, but in short grab half a cup of Borax, or Borax substitute, and put it in with your standard laundry detergent. Once the load is finished, you should be left with bedding and towels that are not only free from odours but also look perfectly clean. 

As a side note, Borax can also be used for natural flea removal when used on your carpets and furniture. Make sure it is left to set overnight and that your pets cannot enter the room in question. In the morning, you just have to vacuum it up. 

Getting Stains and Odours Out of Carpets

Puppies (and even kittens) need to be toilet trained, and so you should expect a few puddles on your carpet. When this happens, place paper towels on top of the fresh area and soak the urine up as best you can. Once this is done, pour water on the area and soak it up until you can no longer see the urine stain. The fresher it is, the better your chances with this method. 

Remember, never scold your puppy or kitten for peeing inside as this could lead them to continue to do so through fear. The best thing to do is ignore them and not make any kind of fuss over the puddle. Instead, when they pee outside, lavish them with praise, and they will associate the reward with going outdoors. 

Of course, there are times when you might be faced with really tough urine stains. When this happens, use a papertowel to soak up as much as you can. Use a solution that is equal parts white vinegar and water and pour it onto the stain, using a brush to really work it into the area. If it is a really old stain, add some dish soap to the mix for extra strength. 

Blot the area using paper towels, and when it is almost dry sprinkle baking powder on top of the area. Once that is done, take half a cup of sodium peroxide (3%) and a teaspoon of dish soap. Pour this over the baking soda, and work it into the carpet as it begins to dissolve. Once the area is dry, vacuum it thoroughly, and you will be left with pristine carpets.

Bonus Tips- If you have cats, replace the tea tree oil with lavender or eucalyptus. Tea tree can be toxic to them if consumed, and it is safer to avoid it around them. – White distilled vinegar will remove urine odours and discourage repeat offences from your pets, as well as neutralise it for your benefit. – Never use cleaners that contain ammonia as this produces the same odour as urine and may cause your pets to urinate in the area the cleaner was used. 

To Conclude

Hopefully, you now have some great tips and remedies for getting your home to the standard of clean it deserves. Our pets don’t have the be the downfall of our carpets and rugs, something that this guide is sure to help you prove. With a range of solutions that cover everything from the floor to the soft furnishings, we are confident that you have this covered.

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