Bearing a child and giving birth are supposed to be the most magical and beautiful experiences that a woman can ever feel. After all, you’re bringing to life a human being that’s not just any baby but your very own.
But as wonderful and exciting as this feeling may be, many find that giving birth is an experience tainted with a lot of trauma and fear. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for many mothers to speak up openly about how they’ve gone through birth trauma. For others, unfortunately, the pain of birthing trauma becomes so great that they even fear giving birth to another child.
Birth trauma leaves new mothers feeling lost, unaccepted, broken, and may experience post-partum depression. If you’re expecting these, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll get to know first-hand how to avoid birth traumas when you deliver your baby. Read on to learn more.
- Choose Comprehensive Care
During the delivery process, comprehensive care must be given both to the mother and the baby. While this may seem like an obvious thing to consider, often it’s easier said than done.
There are many hospitals and care providers, yes, but not all offer comprehensive mother and child care. Some hospitals provide better care than others and youβre free to choose the ones that you feel would be able to give you the best of birthing care. Then, narrow down your options again depending on your personal preference and according to a list of needs that you want to be considered.
To help and start you with that, here are some of the characteristics that you should look for in your birth provider and care plan:
There is a clear and document history of collaboration between the doctors, nurses, midwives, and other health professionals working together as a team to deliver quality care before, during, and after giving birth.
The clinicians work closely with the mothers to carefully select the birth plan that works best for the mother.
The clinicians are very active in monitoring and improving the care provided to the baby and to the mother while they’re in the hospital; there is a guide for care giving to assist them in their daily routines.
- Know Your Priorities
Expectant mothers have different priorities according to their personal choices. Generally, if you’re expecting, you’ll heed the advice of other mothers that have also delivered a baby before you. However, take these with a grain of salt, as you’ll also want to consider your own priorities and preferences.
When you’re able to think of what you truly want or desire, then you’re preparing for your birthing experience to be more manageable and easier than it would have been if unplanned. For instance, you may want to ask yourself the following questions nearing your due date.
Do you want the cord of your baby cut immediately, or would you want to delay it?
Do you want an epidural immediately after arriving at the labor room or do you want to let things go its natural course?
Do you want immediate skin-to-skin contact with your baby and breastfeed, or do you prefer that your baby be washed immediately first?
When you know your priorities, you’re actually planning on giving yourself a more empowering birthing experience.
- Seek Out All Possible Support
You don’t have to be in the delivery and birth process alone, particularly when it comes to your post-partum care. You can be a single parent. Your partner may be far away or you may have your partner with you throughout. However, you don’t have to limit yourself to this.
The delivery process isn’t just traumatic as you’re in the hospital per se. A lot of the trauma may also have to do with your post-partum care. For instance, needing that extra pair of hands to whip up meals, to do some cleaning, and so on – the stressors can pile up one atop the other and can leave you exhausted to the point that you completely forget to take care of yourself.
therefore, as you prepare for your delivery, it is best that you also prepare for all these other aspects. This means that you know who to call if and when you need help as you make the adjustment into your life as a new mother.
- Get Your Body Ready
Another very effective way for you to avoid birth trauma during the delivery process is to get your body ready for birth. After all, the birthing process is generally considered as a hard and painful process. However, when you put in all the right amount of effort to get your body in shape for this, then you’re also paving the way for a more peaceful birth. For example, you can do the following:
β’Take morning or afternoon walks when you’re nearing your due date.
β’Do gentle exercises such as yoga where you can tone, stretch and strengthen your body. You can also do diastasis recti exercises so you can build a strong core before your tummy grows.
β’Eat and drink the right food and drink for better body toning.
Birth is a very pivotal experience in every woman’s life. It changes a woman’s life forever. To begin with, the female body goes through a lot of biological changes. Then there are also the inevitable emotional challenges and the adjustments that come with delivering a child. With these tips, however, now you can rest more easily and calmly as you are assured of a better possibility of avoiding birth trauma. At the same time, you can put yourself onto a good start towards motherhood.