Some people say that divorce is incredibly expensive but that’s only because it’s worth it. Months of uncertainty, stress, sleepless nights and slowly piecing a new life together can feel like the ultimate uphill battle. But when the alternative is being trapped in a relationship you no longer want to be a part of, it simply makes sense.
Filing for divorce isn’t something we ever intend to do. Which is why many individuals find themselves confused by the process and making mistakes along the way. There are so many questions in your mind it can be difficult to know where to begin. What will happen to the kids? How are assets split in a divorce UK? And how long will the process take?
Thankfully, your divorce solicitor will be able to answer most of these questions for you. However, in the meantime, I’ve gathered some simple pieces of advice that will help you prepare for your pending divorce.
Make sure this is what you want
The decision to get divorced is often driven by strong emotions. It can even be a knee jerk reaction. Before you commit to your decision to divorce, make sure you’ve exhausted all hope of reconciliation – assuming that you want to, of course. Other options to try are couples counselling, or even just some time apart. Before you officially file for divorce make sure it’s definitely what you want.
Find the right divorce solicitor
Finding the right solicitor is more than just doing a quick internet search and choosing the first one you click on. Divorce is an emotive subject, it’s also frustrating and stressful at times. Feelings and past actions may be brought to the surface, you may be accused of things, your finances and assets will be combed over, your children may be fought over. All of these things require a solicitor that you trust and have confidence in. If there are children involved or properties and other assets speak with a divorce lawyer chicago who has experience in these kinds of divorce cases. View Website to find an experienced divorce attorney.
Get all your documents sorted (now)
If you’re leaving the marital home, then it might be difficult to gain access to the files and documents you need after you’ve separated and filed for divorce. Bank details, mortgage papers, accounts and other records need to be handed over to your solicitor as soon as possible. So, gather all your documents now so you’re ready to go ahead.
Figure out the custody situation
It’s important that children spend time with both parents during this difficult time. Securing a strong routine for everyone is crucial to keeping the impact of your divorce to a minimum. It’s always preferable to come up with a custody or visitation/support schedule between you, however, if this isn’t possible, always try to keep your child’s wishes in mind when contemplating custody.
And finally…get advice regarding your bank accounts
If you have joint accounts and credit cards, seek advice about them as soon as possible. You may be advised to leave them as they are or close them immediately, each circumstance is different, so reach out to someone with knowledge and experience in this realm for tailored advice.