Restaurants are among the most affected businesses due to the pandemic. Most of them rely on dine-in customers for profit. Due to orders against mass gatherings, it’s currently not possible for most restaurants to operate their dine-in services. If you’re among the affected companies, these are some tips to keep things going and survive.
Boost online marketing
You have to continue advertising to target audiences. Let them know that your business is still in full operation. The dishes they came to love are still available. They might not get one at the restaurant, but you can deliver. Since most people are at home, they have no choice but to keep using their phones and other devices. It will be a mistake if you don’t think of creative ways to boost online marketing strategies. Utilise different social media platforms, too, especially if you’re reaching out to younger audiences.
Partner with food delivery apps
You will have more platforms to advertise on if you partner with food delivery apps. The good thing is that if people want to order from an app, they can just type the name of the restaurant or the specific dish. Once your restaurant appears on the list, there’s a good chance these customers will buy from you. It’s also convenient for them since they can have everything, they want in one platform.
Change pricing
You need to offer competitive prices. Everyone is trying to do the same to stay relevant. Businesses understand that more people are in dire need. It’s not the time for them to find the tastiest dish, but the most affordable option. You don’t have to maximise your profit, but to be among people’s choices. When the pandemic is over, they will return the favour and keep on patronising your business.
Offer something new
Although some people have a hard time, others don’t. It’s easy for them to buy based on what they crave, and not what they can afford to have. For these people, you need something new on the menu. They will appreciate your effort to continue giving them the best delicacies despite a difficult situation.
Find a different supplier
Another problem you might face is the lack of suppliers. Even the ones you partnered with before are no longer available. They decided to close due to limited income. You can keep things going by searching for a different supplier. For instance, you can partner with coconut milk UK suppliers if coconut milk is a staple ingredient in the dishes you serve.
Scale down your operation
You don’t have to operate like you used to. Try scaling down your operations and meet whatever the demand is. You can also move some of your employees to other departments or responsibilities so that they won’t get retrenched.
Be smart and creative, so your business will stay alive. It’s a difficult time, but everyone is going through the same ordeal. Don’t give up and make the most of this situation until you can get out of it.