We all have different beliefs on how we should raise our children. However, no parent can deny the importance of exercise for your kids. Regular physical activity not only improves their fitness, but increases concentration levels, builds a strong heart, and boosts confidence and self-esteem. But, even if your kids are very active, you may have difficulty keeping them going through the winter months.

If you’re struggling to motivate your kids, here are some simple ways on how to promote physical activity through the winter and beyond.
Get Outdoors
No matter where you are in the country, we have all been affected by the coronavirus pandemic this year. With millions of people having to work from home and schools closing, your kids may have had enough of being stuck within the same four walls. There is nothing quite like getting outdoors and being in the fresh air, so if your kids are lounging around on the sofa, getting outside with your children can be a great way to keep active. Even if it’s playing games in the backyard, or going for a run around the neighborhood, being outside can be highly beneficial.
Join in
Many children follow their parents lead in more ways than you think. If they see you sat watching television and barely moving a muscle, this doesn’t give them a good impression. Regular exercise is just as important for adults, which is why you should join in activities with your kids. Not only will you notice a boost in your mental and physical wellbeing, but exercising with your children can be a great bonding experience.
Make Chores Fun
Keeping your home in pristine condition is a must for many homeowners. If your children are old enough, why not involve them in household chores? Doing so will get everything done in a shorter timeframe, as well as keep your kids active. If they’re off for the holidays or are at home due to COVID-19, don’t be afraid to ask them for help.
Exercise from Home
When harsh weather strikes, no one wants to go outside in the cold. Thanks to technology, there are virtual physical activity programs your kids can participate in from the comfort of your living room. Continuing physical education is vital for your children’s health, especially during these unprecedented times. What’s more, your kids can engage with other children when exercising virtually, which can help boost their social skills.
Limit Screen Time
When children get bored, many throw a tantrum. If you’re the type of parent who reaches for the tablet to keep them occupied, it may be time to change your habits. Too much screen time will do your kids’ health no favors (even if it keeps them quiet!). Regular exercise is imperative for their wellbeing, which is why you should limit how much time they spend behind the screen and swap it for physical activity.
You should never underestimate the importance of regular exercise, both for your kids and yourself. While the winter months may present challenges, there are lots of tactics you can implement which will encourage your children to exercise and keep fit, happy, and healthy during the colder months.