You are delighted to have a baby boy. Your whole world has been changed when you first saw your baby and heard his crying. He is the sign of your love. Birth announcements are the cards having the news of the infant’s arrival. It is great news to break that you have a son now. You will announce the birth of your offspring to your family, relatives, and friends. But you need birth announcement cards to burst that awesome news.
Let us give you some witty ideas for a baby boy announcement.
1. Leafy wreath
Place your boy’s photo inside of the leafy wreath on the paper to announce the birth of a new leaf on your family tree.
2. Animatronic announcement
You can select different superheroes and paste them all over the paper and write down the name of your offspring in between them.
3. Animals on the cards
Take the images of cute animals like little elephants, pandas, kid lions. And write the infant’s name on it.
4. Hand imprint
Take the hand imprint of your baby with different colors on the paper and write down it’s a baby boy.
5. Baby photography
Take some cute photos from the photoshoot of your infant. Like, a smiling face, sleeping, and crying moments.
6. Framed cards
Framed announcements look so classy. Take a frame having the signature of your baby’s name on it and place your baby’s photo inside of it.
7. Do it by yourself
Be creative. Take a piece of shining cloth and write down all the details of your boy with embroidery. Details like his name, weight, height.
8. Heart cards
Frame your infant’s photo in a heart made of velvety fabric.
9. Cars prints on cards
Make cars by Photoshop on the page and engrave the name of the boy on them.
Write down the birthday, date, month, year, and timings of the baby’s birth.
10. Cards having awesome wordings
1. Oh, buddies! Meet my boy.2. The beat of my heart.3. The moon of our sky.4. Prince of our home.5. Toy of the Grandparents.6. The wait is over!7. You are near to our heart.8. We love you the most.9. Oh, your little hands stole my heart.
11. Express your feelings
Note down your feelings after having that blessing on the announcement paper. What you were expecting? What you are feeling about that gift of God?
12. Best wishes stamps on the card
Stamp best wishes on the cards. Greet him. Like, Best of luck our handsome. Reveal the gender of your baby by writing his name on the paper.
Say thank you to your boy for making your life complete. Welcome, this little addition to your family. Feel grateful for this beautiful gift of God. Be kind to him and play with him. May God bless him with health and make him a nice gentleman. His dad has a partner now, and his mother has a handsome boy.