When you become a senior scholar, you start quite often getting such assignments to create or write an essay. For students at college or university, this task is even more common than for scholars. Essays seem easy to write; however, students face troubles with writing assignments from time to time. This article will provide you briefly with some of the hacks from proficient writers who know how to create A-grade essays.
What is an essay?
An essay is an assignment that is quite common for various disciplines at college and university on any year of study. There are several types of essays; each one is dedicated to a particular writing goal. These types are expository, descriptive, narrative, argumentative, and admission essays. The last type of essay is usually written when applying to a college. An essay’s core peculiarity is that it must reflect the personal vision and opinion of the author. Depending on the essay type, the writer presents his or her opinion differently. For example, suppose the essay type you are assigned to write is argumentative. In that case, you should first form your opinion on the particular problematics and afterward prove your statements are correct, convincing readership to agree with your point of view.
Tip 1. Prepare everything
The preparation stage that prevails writing is about going through the instructions from your professor and creating a productive environment that will make you feel motivated and focused. It would help if you surrounded yourself with comfort and reduce noises and distractions. If you need some books, magazines, or other offline sources, you need to prepare them beforehand as well.
Tip 2. Understand the topic
Define the type of essay and afterward get familiar with the topic. To start writing A-grade essays, you should try to write more about the things you understand best. However, from time to time, you will require writing essays about something complicated and rare. In such situations, you will need to dedicate more time than usual to exploring topics. Use various sources such as blogs, vlogs, podcasts, books, scientific articles, thesis papers, and more to explore the subject from multiple sides.
Tip 3. Draft in freewriting style
The writing technique called “freewriting” does not require any additional skills except writing fast. This technique does not require creating an outline or anything else traditional for academic writing. You need to set your imagination free and write at least twenty sentences on the relevant topic. The result will be surprisingly perfect.
Tip 4. Take breaks
All productive writers know that only when you feel focused you will achieve any goal. That is why even when you are running out of time, it is crucial to take short breaks, do exercises and gymnastics, eat healthy food, drink water, and take short walks in the fresh air. Such pauses do not have to last long; as usual, 10 minutes is enough to get back into optimal condition.
Tip 5. Editing matters
Never skip the editing part, as it is among the crucial steps of writing an A-grade essay. Your text needs to be properly polished and double-checked. When you plan to write an essay, assume that you will require at least 30 minutes to go through the text and make it shine bright.