Want to make every gift you give even more impressive? Then you’re in the right place.
Any kind of present can really blow someone away if you take the time to choose the ideal gift for the occasion. Carefully exploring the hobbies and interests of your loved one until you find something that’s sure to appeal to them ensures that you get a smile from your present every time.
However, if you’ve been thinking of celebrating something extra special with a close family member or friend soon, then maybe it’s time to explore some new ways of enhancing the gift giving process. Here are some of the easiest ways you can upgrade your gifting, without spending a fortune.
1. Get Creative
The first way to make a gift incredible, is to go beyond the basics. Don’t just get someone chocolates and flowers every year, experiment with different ideas. Do something unexpected and make sure that you research the person you’re going to be spending on carefully before you do anything.
For instance, you know that your friend loves wine, can you get them a trip to a wine tasting session for their next celebration, rather than the standard bottle of wine? Why not spend some extra cash on a customised decanter or a set of wineglasses engraved with their name? Go beyond the obvious and try something new.
2. Get the Wrapping Right
Gift wrapping is one of the most important parts of making your gifts extra special. Taking the time to choose the perfect wrapping paper and ensure that the gift looks incredible shows your recipient that you’ve really put effort into this process. Think about how you can make the process of opening the present extra special for your loved one, with things like bows and coloured tissue paper.
If you’re feeling extra creative, you could even experiment with different kinds of wrapping. Instead of using standard paper and bags, for instance, why not consider using a cloth or piece of material for a wrap that your friend or loved one can reuse? How about creating your own wrapping from printed pictures of the two of you together?
3. Make it Personal
Thinking about the interests of your loved one carefully and buying something that caters to their likes and dislikes is a great way to make the gifting experience more personal. Sites like UKGifts.co.uk which categorise gift ideas based on interests can be a huge help on this front. You can also take this a little further by including a handwritten card or note that comes with a personal message straight from you.
Rather than relying on a pre-printed message in an occasion card to say everything on your behalf, think about what you really want to tell this person as you give them this present. What is the gift for, and why are you giving them this item in particular? Try and show some heart and sentiment in your message, then sign your name.
4. Choose a Gift That Will Make a Difference
A lot of people make decisions about what they should buy a person based on what’s trending at the time, or the things that the person might have spoken about in the past. However, if you’re willing to dive a little deeper, you can find gifts that really make a huge difference to that person’s life. For instance, if you’re giving someone a gift because they just passed their driving test, you could go with the standard chocolates and flowers.
However, it would be a lot more useful and meaningful if you got them a set of custom floor mats or a steering wheel cover with their name on. This is an item that’s related to the celebration and offers some functionality too. Don’t be afraid to actually ask what this person wants if you need inspiration too. Getting insights from a friend can make it much easier to choose the right gift.
5. Remember Timing
Finally, when you’re giving any gift, make sure that you get the timing right. For instance if you’re sending someone a present for their graduation, but you know that they live quite a distance away, start shopping and preparing the present weeks in advance. This will make it less likely that the present will arrive late and confuse your recipient.
If you’re just trying to show someone how much you care, you can send a gift at any point in the year. You don’t have to wait for special moments like milestone celebrations or birthdays. Pick the time that works for you.