Sometimes, finding new ways to entertain your kids can seem like a never-ending challenge. However, there are probably plenty of activities that you can get up to in your own home, without the need for new toys or accessories. While kids are young, they love running around the garden, but as they grow older, it might be harder to keep them entertained in your outdoor space. Here are 4 ways to enjoy the garden with your kids at home.
Alfresco BBQ Party
This is a great way to spend time together as a family while enjoying your outdoor space. You can source a range of outdoor dining options for your Alfresco BBQ party at BBQ Bazaar, such as custom kitchens, pizza ovens, and various styles of grills and smokers. These pieces of equipment make dinner time that little bit more exciting since you can create great-tasting food and achieve different flavours that couldn’teasily be replicated using an indoor oven. It is also a great way to mix up your weekend mealtimes by adding a change of scenery and a dose of vitamin D that will get everyone smiling.
Outdoor Cinema
Creating an open-air movie night in your back garden is a great way to enjoy your garden while mixing up your regular Friday night routine. For this, you will need at least a projector, video source, and either a large white sheet or a blank backdrop for your movie. Additionally, you could wrap fairy lights around trees in your garden to have some extra light and add to the magical atmosphere. Be sure to bring plenty of cushions or deck chairs so you can sit comfortably. You might also want blankets at the ready as the temperatures drop later in the night, and lots of snacks to enjoy that real movie experience.
Create a camping ‘holiday’ in your back garden. Ideally, this is suited to slightly younger children, since the excitement of camping in your back garden might not be so present in older children. Nevertheless, this is a great way to challenge your kids with a night out of the house on their own while keepinga close distance. Provide them with tents for backyard camping, sleeping bags, pillows, torches, and snacks and they’ll be all set for a great night out in your garden. Invite some of their friends for added fun and think of some entertainment and games that they can play together while outdoors, such as creating a shadow puppet show.
Garden Sports Day
Get competitive with your family and friends by thinking up some fun sports events that can take place in the space of your garden. Perhaps you have a swing ball already? Use this to create a tournament between one another or go old school and boil a few eggs in preparation for an egg and spoon race!
Those of us lucky enough to have a garden can really make the most of this space by using it to get closer to our family members and mix up old routines. Besides, there is a whole heap of benefits to spending more time outside as opposed to always staying indoors that go much further than quality family time.