Deworming is a crucial preventive care regimen for mitigating parasites, whether external or internal and improving the overall health of your pet. It is also a vital step to help stop the transmission of parasites to you and other members of your family. There are some things you should know about those unwanted parasites your cat or dog might unknowingly have. It is critical to have an effective dog wormer on hand.
1. Small puppies need to be dewormed
Experts recommend that your puppy or kitten undergoes deworming at least every two weeks until the third month. Puppies and kittens are typically born with parasites passed on from their mother. It is the case even if their mother is already dewormed. The dog wormer utilized will also depend on the exposure risk. It is critical to consult with your vet.
2. Worms are not visible, but it doesn’t mean they are not there
In some cases, you will see the worms in the feces of your pet. But this is not always the case. In some instances, you won’t be able to see them. When you’re in doubt, it is necessary to have your pet undergo a fecal examination to check for parasites.
3. Certain factors increase the risk for parasites
You must consider the area or location where you live to see if your pet has more risk for exposure to certain parasites. You must also factor in if you have travelled with your pet in the past few months. Other locations such as new provinces or countries are a potential breeding ground for certain parasites that your pet might have gotten exposed to. You must also check the risk of exposure to your pet and whether they go outside or not. Do you have contact with other animals? Do you take your dog to busy dog parks and daycare? These are critical questions to ask.
4. People are at risk too
Certain people are at a higher risk of exposure to parasites than others. These are children, senior citizens, pregnant women, and anyone else with a compromised immune system. A majority of parasites found in dogs and cats can be transmitted and cause disease in humans. Be careful and cautious if there is anyone in your home who might be at greater risk for parasite exposure.
Several signs which indicate your dog has worms
In the early stages of parasitic infections, the worms will stay inside the gut of your dog. It may be a challenge to identify the early signs. Tapeworms that are mature start shedding eggs, which cause irritation to your pet’s bum as they try to wriggle out of the anal area. In dogs, it results in the typical symptom of tapeworm. They will be dragging their anal area along the floor. There are several signs to look for, which include the following:
• You will see worms or eggs in the fecal matter.
• Wriggling worms in or around the rear of your dog.
•Scratching or rubbing of the anal area• Worms in the pet’s vomit
• Bloated stomach and belly
• Visible signs of weakness, odd increases of appetite, and constant hunger and weight loss
• Diarrhea accompanied by blood
How do dogs get infected with worms?
It is possible for dogs and cats to become infected with worms when consuming eggs from the soil that has been contaminated. They might also eat rodents or fleas that have been infected. Hookworm varieties infect dogs when they eat its tiny larvae or when the larvae enter via the skin, usually on the feet area.
How much harm can worms do?
Depending on the worm, a parasitic infestation can have wide-ranging effects from weight loss to overall weakness. In some cases, it may even result in sudden death.
Having a worm infestation is a serious issue, so it is critical to have your dog dewormed. Consult with your vet about the deworming process. It also helps if you have a dewormer ready so you can do the process yourself under the instruction of your vet.