After graduation from school, it could be hard to continue studying. There might be a need to take a gap year to figure out what exactly you want to do with your life. Perhaps, you have to earn some money for college first or you simply want to take a break and rest. Working while traveling could be a perfect option. There are lots of opportunities out there that could bring you money and lots of bright memories. Maybe, this is that great option for you to find your dream job while traveling and living your best life. Just do not forget to reach a professional cover letter writing service that will get you to that job of your dreams.
Here are some options that could become your true vocation:
1.Teach English abroad
This might be that noble and rewarding job you were longing for. Surely, a degree is required for that, but you could try volunteering at first. In fact, requirements depend on the country. Some institutions require CELTA or TESOL certificates, while for some TEFL would suffice. The latter can be obtained online and for a reasonable price. Teaching English by foreigners is very popular in Vietnam, China, Thailand, etc. Thus, you earn nice money and explore Asia.
2.Tour guide
If you are not a fan of kids, but you like explaining things, you can try to be a tour guide. Searching for the companies and contact them via email or calls– proves to be the best approach to get a job. Tour companies will provide training or workshops for you. Moreover, there are more chances to be hired if you already experienced a tour organized by the company.
3.Cruise ship or yacht crew member
This is another great way to travel the whole world and experience an unusual life in the sea. One can work as a waiter or some manager, meet people from all over the world and explore unusual destinations like Greenland or Easter Island, which, let us admit that, are not so easy to reach. If huge ships scare or you cannot imagine living in a quite small room for a year, consider joining a yacht crew. Such voyages are short and more adventurous.
4.Travel as a nurse
If you love medicine and were thinking about becoming a nurse or a doctor, the possibility to travel can be a winning argument for you. Special agencies can assist you in finding such a job in different cities if you do not want to stay in the same place for too long.
Usually, travel nurses work for a 13-week period wherever they are needed. They are assigned to work not only at hospitals, in the intensive care unit (ICU) or emergency room (ER), and in many other challenging areas. Many travel nursing contracts provide housing coordinators and travel nurse housing and offer to pay for it based on the agreements and the position’s requirements. They work with agencies that take care of the contracts and travel nurse housing. Some common housing options for nurses are renting from fully-furnished studios, apartments, and condos.
5.Yoga instructor
Practicing yoga regularly can result in a popular and healthy job. Turn your hobby into a profitable activity. As a result, you will never feel like you force yourself and you will enjoy every day instead.
6.Freelance travel writer/blogger
Even though being a travel blogger/vlogger is not so unique and special nowadays, you can try if you feel that it is your gig. Yet, consistency is important. This is a real job, so you must be responsible and creative all the time.
7.Flight attendant or pilot
Both jobs are extremely hard and underestimated, but among the pros, you will always have the possibility to travel. However, your destinations will surely depend on the airlines and your shifts. Anyway, it is your chance to experience an unusual lifestyle. If you have the finance you can also see the world via fractional private jet ownership which gives the opportunity to have your very own private chartered aircraft.
8.Find a remote job in IT or Marketing
Providing there is a strong Internet connection, you are able to work from any part of the world. Just do a market research. Consider working in IT as a Programmer or in Marketing as a Copywriter. Pick your niche and there will always be a job on the market.
Here is another profession that can be done online now or might make you go somewhere abroad to assist at some conference or meeting. So if you are into languages that could be your path.
10.Travel agent
One of the most obvious choices you might make is to become a travel agent. Except for dealing with customers and routes, you will check the tours and hotels your company is about to provide. Moreover, this job could be done remotely as well, so it is worth considering.
11.Wildlife biologist
This profession among others mentioned here is one of the hardest since it requires a degree and maybe even a PhD. Yet, it is a wonderful opportunity to do something meaningful in your life. Biologists study wildlife or marine life all over the world, so you need to be ready to move a lot.
All the unknown things seem scary at first before you see them closer. Now you have a general idea of jobs and activities you might do while traveling and take your time to decide. Good luck!