Becoming a parent (especially for the first time) is one of the most enjoyable and joyous experiences in life. There are so many magical moments on offer, that you’ll never want to forget, that you’ll want to capture and preserve them all in a luxury baby photo album, or three.
The transformative experience has a dramatic impact on all areas and aspects of your life, andcomes with added responsibilities. The first year of baby’s life is exciting, exhausting and overwhelming, as packed full of important developments that you’ll want to keep up with.
To help you make the most of your time with baby,in their first year, here are some practical tips…
Daily Baby Rituals

As you and your new baby get accustomed to each other, you’ll naturally want to enhance the bonding experience. Daily rituals and routines help to make baby feel content and secure, and enables a parent to find a natural rhythm with baby.
Feeding, nap and bath time are daily rituals in baby’s life that offer excellent bonding and photo opportunities. As all parents, and grandparents,love to coo over adorable baby photo album snaps of daily ritual activities, like baby enjoying visual and sensory stimulation while splashing in the bath, you’ll need to have your camera poised and perpetually ready.
Bond with baby via skin-to -skin contact whilebreast or bottle-feeding, and snuggle up for an afternoon nap together, with baby on your chest. Take advantage of these special daily ritual moments to capture candid photos of your beautiful baby that you will love, cherish and treasure.
Connecting With Baby

Connecting with your baby by talking and singing to them is important for their development. Encourage baby talk by chatting to baby while you’re playing with toys or changing their nappy. As baby responds with delighted coos, babble, and gurgles, mimic their sounds to encourage them to connect and to continue communicating with you.Strengthen your baby’s future language skills by exposing them to conversation on a daily basis.
Enjoy quality alone time with your baby, and engageone-on-one small talk. As babies respond better to speech when they are looking directly at you, look at your baby when he/she babbles. Interact with them by talking in a playfully exaggerated sing-songy way, so that they know that you are listening.
At nap or bedtime, sing baby a soothing lullaby as you gently rock them to sleep in your arms.
Enjoying Playtime

Babies need playtime to learn and develop essential skills. As a baby spends a lot of time on their back, it’s important to flip them onto their tummy for play. Once baby has good head control and has mastered gripping a rattle, you can start to introduce new toys to develop their motor skills.
To ensure baby gets plenty of sensory stimulation, schedule regular intervals of tummy time play (2-3 times a day, for up to 5 minutes at a time). Get down on the floor with them, and talk and sing while they play. You can use a nursing pillow or a rolled-up blanket as a prop, if baby needs some support. Visually stimulate and entertain baby with a variety of toys. Take some snaps before baby becomes bored or cranky.
Scoop baby up, and cradle them tummy down in your arms, as you walk around showing baby theirenvironment. Talk to them and describe what’s on view. You can also give baby an alternative tummy time experience by lying on your back on the floor, with your knees up to your chest, and baby resting on your shins. Hold baby’s chest securely against your legs. Delight baby by making airplane sounds as you move your legs and pretend that they are flying.
Capturing Baby Milestones
During baby’s first year, you’ll notice a plethora of developmental changes that happen on a day-by-day, week-by-week, and month-by-month basis. Milestones like smiling are perfect for capturing in photos that you can proudly display in a personalised photo album.

Baby’s cute and adorable first smile is an important milestone in their social development, and can happen at any time. Even newborn babies smile, although it’s usually during sleep. Babies generally start to smile once they’re one month old, and in response to a face they recognise.
If you want to be the lucky recipient of baby’s first smile, always welcome them with a big grin on your face, when you’re making the most of your time together. Smiling allows baby to express their feelings of contentment, happiness and interest, so it’s important to encourage them to copy your behaviour. It will absolutely make your day to see your baby recognising you, as they begin to develop their social smiling skills.
Between 3-6 months of age, your baby will begin todevelop new smiling skills. This is the time when they first start to become aware of people who are not you, your partner or siblings. It’s a lovely idea to capture the photographic moments as your baby starts to notice strangers, and becomes more selective about who gets to see their smiles.
Fill up the pages of your luxury baby photo albumwith endearing photographs of baby’s happiest moments leading up to their first birthday. Include photos where baby is smiling to communicate with you, and snaps of them smiling in the company of members of your family and close friends.