Everyone has three constants in life- Taxes, Death and the fact of scrolling Insta and envying people with ultra-toned bodies adding superb pictures with hashtags #wanderlusty #nature #travelling. Well, reading these will make your blood boil, irrespective of how awesome or happening your life is.
And, that isn’t the story of one woman. Research shows the more time you spend on social media platforms like Facebook, the lower will be your self-esteem. And, people are all thumbs up for this saying, whether or not they accept it.
“Believing in yourself and having confidence gives you outer strength.”
– Nikki Bella
Now that you’re accepting things with an open bent of mind, deleting social media accounts makes a little sense. Yet, if your quench of finding a solution is alive, it is worth trying these tactics so that you find yourself double-tapping the path into a doom spiral.
● List all those Amazing Things your Body can do for you:
Instead of taking a quick glimpse in the mirror and thinking of all, you don’t like about your body, take some time to acknowledge all it can do. Walk down the memory lane and think of instances like popping out a baby, pooping regularly, giving your signs of fatigue and stress, or even running a race.
Experts say that people have made their bodies their worst enemies. And, this in reality needs an evolution, which is trying to view it as a dear friend.
● Talk About Your Body: lol
The best thing you can do with your body is to talk about your boobs, butt, or even your hair, says the body image expert. The worst people do is look at themselves in the mirror and say horrible things. Saying these things aloud and then hearing the same things let in underscoring the problem.
Thereby, pick a body part you’re fond of and talk about it aloud. It may seem silly- know it can be powerful to help fight body image issues. However, if you still feel uncomfortable with your body, then search for what you can do about it.
For instance, if you feel your breasts don’t have a perfect shape or size, look for medical procedures. Breast augmentation at Wirth Plastic Surgery or adding methods like breast reduction, breast revision among others can help you get an ideal body shape. Another example is enhancing your smile through cosmetic treatments – something that this dentist who does cosmetic dentistry and dental implants in tampa can help you.
After all, nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment.
● Adopt Affirmations:
You might have heard that talking to yourself in the mirror brings unimaginable confidence. Believe that it is true.
All you’ve to do is find a positive affirmation or two and repeat those to yourself every day. With this, you’ll be able to remind yourself of how amazing you are and what you’re capable of. Just say- “I can do anything, I set my mind to.” Then, ensure repeating this to yourself until you feel yourself to be a confident ninja. Over some time, you’ll see these affirmations becoming your belief system.
● Do Nice Stuff:
Clarity work and volunteering are one of the best ways of feeling good about yourself, even if you’re just investing a few minutes of your time.
Thus, make sure you contribute to your community positively. You might need to develop new skills for receiving good feedback and you’ll be able to translate positivity and uplift mood.
That’s a Wrap to Finding your Treasure
Some other ways to get the confidence you deserve are doing nice things, faking it till you make it, and talking to yourself like a true BFF. The experts say that even if you don’t feel confident, you may want to make others believe that. People will respond to your situation positively, which will make you positive.
After all,
“I think confidence is a true form of beauty.”
– Becky G