There’s a large number of managers who analyze their level of leadership in front of their teams, but lose sight of how important it is to understand the critical role played by things that are not seen (emotions, work environment, culture, values, etc.) The foregoing ends up affecting in an important way what is seen (results, turnover, absenteeism, productivity, etc.) and managers are presented with this problem and do not know how to act on it.
The fact that Emotional Intelligence influences interpersonal relationships in a very important way is a fact known to all, and that it influences the results (both individual and of the group) does not take us by surprise, but from there to clearly identify its variables, develop them consciously and use them on a day-to-day basis to achieve goals, there is an abyss.
If you have stopped to analyze you’d notice many people do not behave as they should in organizations, what leads them to make irrational decisions and behave in an unproductive way, why they do not follow the rules and are sometimes so reluctant to accept and comply with them … And, above all, how much does it cost to influence them, make them part of that corporate culture, adequately resolve certain conflicts or even on some occasions, simply make ourselves understood.
In all these scenarios, the emotional component is extremely important to understand the causes, the problem and, therefore, adopt an adequate and above all effective solution. When you learn to look at reality, you are able to identify and use certain variables that represent a before and after in your interaction with others, in the way you approach problems, alter the way you communicate with yourself and with your companions, that is, a range of enormous possibilities and areas to explore unfold before you that increase your chances of being successful in the actions you carry out.
Where to begin?
It is recommended that you start at the beginning, where most things begin: By yourself. By being part of the system, you have the ability to influence it with every action, interaction or communication you make. Therefore, we have to be aware that in order to lead and manage others (influence, inform, care for them) we must first learn to self-control and manage yourself, since, if you are not well, it turns out it’s almost impossible to make the people around you feel good.
When you learn to identify your emotional state and discover how everything you do affects and influences you, you begin to be able to strategically decide what you are going to do, how you are going to do it and for what purpose. If, in addition, youdo something to improve how you feel, you will be able to offer the best of yourself to others, positively influence the climate of the team (and the organization) and get much closer to yourgoals and obtaining the expected results.
How does personal coaching help?
Personal coaching techniques come from the United States, but have been widely implemented in the rest of the world thanks to their proven effectiveness in helping people achieve their personal or professional goals.
What is and what is not a Personal Coach?
Personal coaching is a training tool to help people achieve personal or professional goals. The coach is the professional who handles this tool, which consists of applying different techniques to eliminate the mental blocks that prevent us from moving forward. A coach is not a therapist because they do not treat pathologies such as depression. For this reason, the people who come to the coaching sessions are not patients but clients or coachees. Personal coaching sessions are personal training classes to learn to master the strategies necessary to achieve success and happiness.
What are the personal coaching sessions like?
Personal coaching techniques are based on fundamental concepts from disciplines such as psychology and philosophy, as well as basic principles from the business and sports world.Thus, personal coaching sessions are an action-focused learning and training process. The coach does not theorize, but, after analyzing together with his coachee the mental blocks that hold him back, he sets a series of concrete and achievable objectives framed in a concrete plan of action. Through this guided process, the person acquires the necessary tools to deepen their self-knowledge, increase their performance and improve their quality of life.
The coach can help in many areas, such as optimizing time, managing conflicts, overcoming limiting beliefs, modifying stressful habits, reconciling work and personal life or improving personal relationships.
What stages are presented in the Personal Coaching sessions?
Coaching sessions like the personal coaching with Anna Kontaratou achieve lasting results in a short time. Although each coaching professional can have his or her work technique, personal coaching normally consists of three steps or stages through which one can overcome emotional blockage situations and start the path towards their goals.
The coach generally addresses the problems with the coachees, analyzes the reasons for their limitations and develops an action plan with alternatives to achieve their professional or personal goals.
1st stage – Set a goal
The first step in personal coaching sessions is to evaluate the situation from which the coachee starts and consider the goals to be achieved. The coach guides the person through key questions that help the coachee describe himself, think about what he wants to improve and analyze what his expectations are.
2nd stage – Analyze the blockages
Most people who cannot achieve their personal or professional goals tend to have limiting thoughts, insecurity, or doubts. The second step of the personal coaching sessions delves into the blockages of the person, in the causes that prevent them from moving forward. Through the questions asked by the coach, a dialogue is established that allows to bring to light beliefs, limiting judgments and, in general, everything that hinders the person. From that point on, alternatives are sought to modify the situation.
3rd stage – Design an action plan
Once the person visualizes what is preventing them from achieving their goals and feeling good about them, it is time to take action. For this, it is necessary for the coachee to define an action plan to achieve the objective. In the coaching sessions it is necessary to order and prioritize the necessary actions to be carried out to achieve a goal and review the action plan periodically, since unforeseen obstacles and difficulties may arise that interfere with what’s been planned.
Your personal coach will help you acquire the necessary tools and will accompany you step by step to achieve the self-improvement you seek.