Refreshing is a necessity after experiencing the ups and downs, including the huge body transformation that comes with pregnancy. Aside from hitting the gym after birth (for those who gave birth without surgery) to shed those weight and begin the road to achieving your optimum shape, you should also consider your skin.
Of course, skin changes are widespread during pregnancy. And one of the numerous skin changes experienced by pregnant women is stretch marks. The stretch marks—which come in pinkish, purplish lines—are often evident in areas like the abdomen, breasts, backside, or thighs.
If your skin has lost its glow and smoothness post-birth and you wish to add some touch of beauty and elegance to the largest sense organ of your body, here are a few tips to go about that.
Importance of skincare for new moms
Why should you prioritize skincare post-birth as a mom who just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy or girl? What is the importance attached to this? Here are a few.● Skincare is greatly associated with beauty, and good skincare enhances our appearance.● Enhancing your skin’s collagen helps mitigate the appearance of wrinkles, which is associated with pregnancy in women. ● Reduces premature gaining by combating the effects of the environment on our skin● Skin remains our biggest stronghold against infection, hence the reason why keeping it healthy is important to your health and wellbeing.
Having understood the importance of skincare for new moms, let’s consider some effective skin tips designed to add an extra glow to your skin while also ensuring that it stays fresh.
1. Stay hydrated
I know your doctor has echoed this several times in your ear. It wouldn’t be bad if I joined the bandwagon as well. While water intake may seem like an obvious thing new mothers need to do, you should understand that some mothers still end up ignoring it. Taking water at regular intervals can transform your skin from a desert to a land filled with magnificent waterfalls and lush gardens.
As a new mom, ensure that you make it a habit of taking 4-5 liters of water daily. Suppose you are the type that forgets often, consider setting reminders using a health app on your phone. Aside from prompting you to take water, this app can also help you monitor water intake.
2. Cleanse
Like water intake, cleaning your skin is key to its appearance and health. Performing this act helps discard oil, grub, and baby food from your skin. Consider adding different types of quality cleansers to your cart when next you go shopping. For new moms, adding natural cleansing products to their shopping carts is essential. Scented soaps, shampoos, and detergents can contain synthetic fragrances that can irritate skin and cause rashes. Look for products made with natural ingredients like sunflower oil, aloe vera, and shea butter, which are gentle and won’t strip away the natural oils that protect skin. Fossette Paris, for instance, offers a line of natural soaps made with ingredients like sunflower oil, and camelina oil, which are free from artificial fragrances, sulfates, parabens, and phthalates. Also, it would be best if you considered adopting a double-cleansing routine to ensure that your skin stays fresh and soft.
For those who aren’t aware, the double-cleaning routine involves cleaning your face twice. You can use an oil cleanser and water-based cleaners to rid your skin of unwanted elements. Alternatively, you can try some natural-based honey options either in a cream format like manuka honey cream or in its natural form, whichever suits you and your budget, of course.
3. Steal some of your baby’s products
Yes! You heard that right! Your baby’s products are worth stealing, thanks to the skin benefits it’s loaded with. Aside from being mild and smooth on the skin, baby’s products are also tailored to lock moisture. So, don’t think twice. Grab some of those baby products (baby oil, lotion, cream, etc.) and apply them to your skin. You can apply them while doing the same on your baby’s skin. By doing so, you’ll be providing your skin with the love and care it deserves.
4. Eat a lot of fruit
Fruits boast several therapeutic benefits. They help hydrate your body and load it with plenty of nutrients. What about veggies? Of course, taking lots of veggies can do your skin and your body a lot of good. Not only do veggies help reduce fat accumulated post-birth, but it also has nutrients that make your skin glow.
After making appropriate preparation for your child’s birth and catering to his needs post-birth, you should also add yourself to the equation. It is not a crime to shower yourself with the same love you shower on your kids. Take time to look good. Love yourself. Look bright and happy. Treat yourself well. You deserve it!