Whether it’s for the school run or a road trip, cars are an integral part of family life. As a parent, it is only natural to want to do everything you can to make sure that your family is safe on the roads; unfortunately, with all of the information out there, it can be hard to know where to start. According to the healthcare experts at iconmedicalcenters.com/miami/, car accidents can be fatal and cause traumatic injuries. The healing process starts with a proper diagnosis conducted by a medical professional. After thoroughly examining the past and present medical conditions, the medical professionals can recommend necessary procedures.
So to help keep your family safe on the road, read on for some top tips.
Car Seats
Whether it’s a car you own or one that you have hired from an established car hire company such as PCO car hire, The UK law stipulates that correct child restraints must be used until the child is twelve years old or over four feet five inches tall. This is because car seats keep your child safe so keep that in mind. Your car seats also need fitting properly. Every model is different, and they won’t all fit all cars, so be sure to double-check when purchasing and follow the manufacturers instructions when it comes to installation. Finally, blankets and coats should also be removed when putting a child into the car seat. Instead, lay them over after the child is strapped in. Too much padding between the child and the straps can harm your child should you get into a collision.
Seat Belts
It is illegal to drive or travel in a car without a properly fastened seatbelt; the driver is responsible for ensuring that all passengers under the age of fourteen are securely fastened into the vehicle. Seatbelts are for one person; they should never be buckled around two people. A child should never be carried on a lap, and no one should ride in a car unrestrained.
Child Safety Locks
This prevents the children from opening the doors while the car is moving or at a standstill. The mechanism is often found near the driver’s seat and it is usually a switch that can turn them on and off as the need may be. Child locks do not always come as a standard feature, so be sure to double-check. If you have power windows, you ought to have a child safety locking feature on them too. They can be dangerous for young children; extremities can be trapped, and they can distract the driver.
Never Leave Your Child Unattended
Children should never be left unattended in a car or with the car keys. Even if you are only popping out for a second, there are a number of hazards and dangers that could arise in that time. For example, the child or children could wriggle out of their car seat, accidentally hit the controls and cause the car to move; there is also always the possibility of being involved in an accident or a vehicle fire.
Additional Safety Features
Some family-friendly vehicles have additional safety features which can be highly desirable. Consider your current vehicle;is it up to par? If you aren’t 100% confident that your car is as safe as possible for your family, you might want to consider looking at getting a new one. You can use an online car valuation service like Hunting Cars to see how much you could get for your current car to put towards your new one. They also help you to find a dealer and get the best price for your car.
Final Words
There is nothing more important than protecting the health and wellbeing of your family. Implementing the best car safety practices is paramount in that respect. Consider the above next time you take your family out for a drive.