If you have reached this article, it is likely that someone in your family, such as a partner or close relative, has been displaying signs of narcissism. This can strain your relationship and make things difficult for all of you. Read on to learn more about what you can do.
Defining Narcissism
The term narcissism originates from ancient Greek mythology. But the modern term focuses on describingsomeone who has an over-inflated sense of their importance. This means they have a constant need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. This means it can be difficult to live with someone like this, but there are options available to you.
Whilst divorce can seem a nasty word, it can sometimes be the healthiest choice for families and couples. Everyone is unique in this world and those who are narcissists are no different. You don’t need to speak to them about it. If you’re worried about the potential backlash, you can contact a divorce lawyer or visit thebrightfamilylawcenter.com and discuss your options and how you can move forward.
That’s why it will be in your best interest to speak to a law firm who have dealt with narcissist divorce before. Harrogate Family Law deals with family disputes such as this, with one of their specialities being dealing with narcissist divorce cases. You will be able to get solid legal advice from those experienced in cases such as yours.
The main purpose of this should be to put you in a happier and safer space. Don’t see it as a last option, but a viable option that could benefit everyone involved. You can visit this website to understand how divorce can benefit your children in the long run. A toxic household has harsh effects on a child’s mental condition. If you feel you are in a place with your partner to discuss this, then feel free to do so, but ensure you know what you’re doing and consider having a support network to help you.
Set Clear Boundaries
Those who have a narcissistic personality are often quite self-absorbed. As such, they will feel entitled to go where they want and do what they want. You must inform them of your boundaries and what you consider a step too far. This may include snooping through your things, or them giving you unsolicited advice and informing you how you should feel.
You should never feel under pressure to do things you don’t want to do or talk about things in a setting you don’t feel comfortable with. Sit down with your partner and discuss options about what makes you unhappy and make it clear that if they go against your wishes it could lead to a separation.
Recognise When You Need Help
It’s also important to note that you’re not at fault for the actions of others. Try to build up a healthy support network of people such as friends or family. You don’t want to spend 24/7 around someone who is a narcissist, as this will leave you emotionally drained. Consider all sides of the family, andreach out for professional help if it starts getting to that point.Something that could help is counselling, either with your partner, yourself or both. Some professionals specialise in speaking to narcissists.