Paying monthly energy bills has never been easy. Regardless of how hard you try to save on these bills—or cut corners—you still end up paying more than expected each month. While it is impossible to escape energy bills, achieving an energy-efficient home can help in reducing them drastically.
If your energy bill is spiraling out of control and you don’t seem to know how to put it in check, this article is for you. Below, we have outlined four steps to achieving an energy-efficient home, which, of course, is key to reducing your energy bill.
1. Order an energy audit
As a homeowner, you need to understand how energy is consumed in your home. To do so, you’ll have to order a home energy audit.
A home energy audit is a process carried out to determine how much energy your home consumes and evaluate the measures that can be taken to make your home more energy-efficient.
You can schedule an audit with an energy audit home company or leverage free energy audit provided by home insulation companies. However, ensure you are cautious when accepting free audits from such companies, as they may end up tweaking the results to favor their product.
2. Buy efficient appliances
What factors do you consider when shopping for appliances? Do you consider the price? Quality? Warranty? Or energy efficiency?
Many homeowners end up equipping their homes with energy guzzlers due to their eagerness to buy a cheap appliance. Of course, cheap appliances can save you some money, but you’ll eventually lose it by paying for expensive energy bills.
Instead of buying cheap appliances that increase your home energy bill, it makes sense to go for energy-efficient alternatives. These alternatives are environmentally friendly. In addition, they are designed to help you save energy and money.
Common examples of energy-efficient appliances are:
- Energy star certified refrigerator
- Energy star certified air conditions
- Energy star certified dishwashers
- Energy star certified washing machines, etc.
If you cannot afford an energy star certified air condition for your home, you can consider investing in efficient devices. For instance, with devices like smart window air conditioner, you not only save costs but also make your paradise energy-efficient.
3. Insulate and seal openings
After conducting an energy audit, what next? Locate those gaps where air sneaks in and escape out of your home and seal them ASAP. Sealing and insulating all openings in your home, including the outer walls and floors, is the most cost-effective way to boost efficiency. You can hire a skilled contractor or do the sealing and insulating yourself to save up to 20% on heating and cooling costs.
4. Get new windows
Are your windows faulty? They could be the reason for your energy bill predicament. Even if your windows aren’t faulty, improving their efficiency will go a long way in helping you reduce your energy bill and making your home more comfortable. Ensure you replace energy-intensity with energy-efficient ones. If you cannot replace windows, consider efficiency-enhancing shades or coatings.
No one is happy paying an outrageous amount of money as an energy bill. So to ensure that you keep your energy bill in check. All you’ve to do is make necessary adjustments and replace those energy guzzling appliances in your home with energy star certified alternatives.