As the year draws to a close, you may be thinking that in the new year you would like to spruce up your home or apartment. It is a great time to do so. You will have that little bit more time to relax and can really get stuck into painting and decorating. However, it can be tough to know where to start or what to begin changing. There are so many options and so it can be easy to become overwhelmed. If you need a little advice, then here are a few places you can start.
Statement furniture
It can be easy to go with keeping your furniture plain. By keeping muted tones, you can ensure that it will fit into any room, no matter if you move. However, this keeps the room looking plain as well. As opposed to having a black, white, or beige sofa why not go for a light green couch? This could add a new dimension to your room and allow you to start bringing in a little more color. It does not have to be garishly bright but just change the tone of the room. You will be surprised how one piece of furniture can change the entire feeling of a room.
Bring in the bloom
Bringing flowers into the home is a great way to add a new décor sense. They don’t even have to be real flowers. You can use manufactured plants to bring the outdoors in. The trend more recently has been to decorate with large paper flowers rather than to have living ones. These are much less maintenance and come in a variety of colors. You can even seek out eco-friendly options that come in pastel colors so as not to take up toomuch visual space in the room. They can add a sense of the wild without causing too much chaos in a room.
Warning! These are not cheap but certainly, add a sense of luxury to any room. A bold statement ceramic piece can be functional as well as a statement. You should think about how the pottery looks but also how it feels when handled. When you are shopping for ceramics always take them in your hands to see how they feel. A well-made piece will have weight to it and should feel snug in the hand. Having a nice set of ceramic mugs can be a great way to start any morning.
Embroidery can not only be a great hobby but can also allow you to change up your décor without costing you too much money. It can turn quite generic and mass-produced items into unique furnishings that have a special place in your heart. It can range from pillows to table runners so that you always have an option.
Changing your décor
This can be a scary thing to do. Every interior design show tends to favor quite basic or minimalist approaches. However, you don’t need to do the same in your home. This year it is time to put a little personality into your home.
Great Post! Thanks for sharing information.
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