Physical therapy is a great tool for restoring many physical functions. It helps individuals heal from injuries, increases mobility and reduces pain in arthritis and sciatica patients. However, it can also benefit those with dropped pelvic floor challenges. As you start investigating physical therapy clinic near me, learn how you can benefit from these treatments.

What is Dropped Pelvic Floor?
A dropped pelvic floor, also called a pelvic organ prolapse, occurs when your pelvic organs leave their position and settle into your vagina. When your organs slip like this, it can cause pain and bulging in your vaginal area. Although it is not typically life-threatening, dropped pelvic floor can be treated medically and can be improved with specific exercises. Your doctor may also suggest lifestyle changes.
Symptoms of Dropped Pelvic Floor
Pelvic organ prolapse can make your lower abdomen and genitals feel heavy. Your vagina may feel uncomfortable as if it is dragging. You may also find bulges or lumps exiting your vagina or as if you are sitting on a ball. Sex may be uncomfortable, or you may feel numb. Finally, you can experience difficulty emptying your bladder, feel like you always have to use the restroom and actually experience stress incontinence.
Regaining Control of Bodily Function
The good news is that you can regain control of your body. If you are overweight, your doctor may suggest that you lose weight and could put you on a diet and exercise plan. You likely will receive instructions to avoid lifting heavy items and eat in a way that prevents constipation.
In addition, you may be prescribed physical therapy. During physical therapy, you will learn pelvic floor exercises that specifically target your abdominal and pelvic muscles. As your muscles strengthen, your body will be better able to support your organs, and your prolapse may disappear completely.
For more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe hormone treatments or suggest surgery.
Exercises for Dropped Pelvic Floor
Kegels are typically the first exercise you will do to treat your dropped pelvic floor. These exercises are done both sitting and lying down with your knees bent. Your focus is squeezing your vagina and anus and holding them. You will likely be directed to complete these exercises several times throughout the day.
Your doctor may also suggest electrical stimulation, biofeedback and vaginal weights. These treatments further strengthen your muscles and can be used to track your progress more accurately. Aerobics, weight lifting and jumping exercises should be avoided because they can make your condition worse.
How To Find the Right PT for You
After your doctor prescribes your PT, you may start searching for physical therapy near me. However, there are a few things you should look for specifically. Search for a clinic that has someone with specialized training and several years of experience.
Ask your physician or anyone you know who has completed PT for dropped pelvic floor for a referral. Meet with the therapist you will work with and ask any questions you have. Ask for and check their references. Determine if you are compatible and then ask whether that professional has an available opening for your treatments.
When you start your pelvic floor physical therapy, prepare to do the work so you can regain your bodily functions.