Let’s be honest, buying gifts for boys is not an easy task. There just seems to be so much more choice and options for girls. Why is that? Of course, we shouldn’t gender stereotype. A boy can play with a girl’s toy and vice versa. But older boys especially can be difficult. Firstly they don’t tend to give you any ideas or clues as to what they would like. Secondly, a lot of things tend to cost the earth. Thankfully as they get older, they will realise what things cost so you can pick and choose between some of the times.
However, if you are really stuck for ideas then don’t worry. This is where this guide can help you. Here are some of the best gift ideas for boys. Some would be classed as main big presents, but there are a couple of ideas in this list that you can give to family and friends, or use as little extras. Let’s hope it gives you the inspiration you need.

Apple Watch
One of the latest things to come from Apple is the new Apple watch. It will only sync and work properly with an iphone so bear that in mind if this is a choice. An Apple watch links through to your phone and allows you to read text messages, answer calls, and talk to Siri all from your wrist. You can take pictures, and it will even track your fitness and calories for the day. It’s a really useful tool and a bit of a gadget for the geeks among us. There are however alternatives with different phone brands so if you don’t have an iPhone a watch could still be a good choice.
Music gadgets
Perhaps your son is interested in music. Maybe he wants a new musical instrument like a guitar or a base, or perhaps something where he can record and utulise different beats and sounds such as a small midi footswitch. If you focus on an area in which he is interested in, then you will likely highlight liots of potential gift ideas. Maybe they want to start playing an instrument or would like to get involved with signing. Lessons, instruments, equipment all make amazing presents.
Virtual reality headset
Why not allow your son to step into a virtual world using the latest technology from Samsung or Meta? This virtual reality headset allows you to use your phone and experience a whole new level of virtual reality. It will allow you to watch YouTube videos as well as download applications and games. You can get involved with the games and even use your arms and hands within them. Playing sports, walking in different surroundings, or just being immersed in different worlds. This is a truly fascinating gift and one they are sure to love.
A new laptop
Everything is going down a technology route. Even homework from schools requires the use of one. So as your son is getting older why not get him a new laptop for his birthday? He will get some great use out of it for school as well as a personal level. You can buy parenting applications if you are still concerned about internet access and content.
The latest phone
There always seems to be a new phone out these days. So if your son’s phone is looking a little tired, then it may be worth looking into an upgrade. Phones can be expensive to purchase outright, but it can work out quite reasonable to add a phone to an existing phone contract you may have. Just speak to your provider to see what deals they may have.
Practical gifts
There is no denying that buying gifts gives you the chance topurchase something practical. It might be that you look at purchasing things like socks, pajamas, or items of clothes they need. You could also look at buying toiletry gift sets which are a very nice gift to rejoice, and are also very practical. Practical gifts may seem boring, but they make amazing stocking fillers.
Many boys enter a phase of wanting specific types of trainers as they get older. It might be they want a specific type, a special edition pair, or would like to add to their collection. Trainers can be very expensive, depending on the type. So you may want to speak with your son and ensure you pick the right pair.
While vouchers may seem like a boring present these days, they can be so much more than just a clothes voucher. While choosing vouchers for their favorite store may be favorable. Vouchers are an easy gift as you can choose the store you purchase from, or even buy a card that has many different stores on it. They can then choose their own gifts which takes away any guesswork from you or the risk of buying the wrong size or item. It is a great gift for older boys and an easy one if you have run out of ideas.
Experience days
You could consider an experience day. It might be a day out at some historical site or even doing something like paintballing. Experience days are the perfect gift as it gives the person something to look forward to. It can be booked in the future and it could even be something you all enjoy doing together. There is something to suit every type of personality and interest when it comes to expe
A games console
Finally, the last thing you could consider is a games console. Most boys these days like to link up online and play against their school friends. There are many different options available so speak to your son to see if they have a preference. If they already have game console then you may want to look at upgtrading it, or perhaps getting thema a different type so that they could play other games.
Let’s hope this helps you when it comes to buying a gift for a boy.