Starting a family and running a business. Two ventures considered to be among the most complex and time-consuming there is. Of course, your family is certainly going to be the priority you have on your mind, and that’s understandable. But it’s also true that investing all we have of ourselves in a new business is key, too. How can we square the difference?
Well, sacrifices do sometimes have to be made. That means you can’t expect to be 1000% present for everything, or that you’re going to achieve everything overnight. So planning your venture correctly is key, making sure you really can focus your time during the day while you have a baby to look after, and also focusing on any elgibilities for support, socia help, or maternity leave you need to take before venturing onto your own business.
Moreover, you don’t have to have baby and then the next day start a business. In fact, most would consider this to be inadvisable, shockingly enough. But if you do decide to plan this out, consider the following advice:
Experiment With Balance
Running a small business is hard, and so is raising a family. But doing both at the same time? That can feel like walking a tightrope, lean too far in one direction and you might fall. The trick is to find the right balance. This means making a plan for each day that sets aside time for work and time for family. It’s not just about how much time you spend, but how you spend it, and time blocks are a fantastic concept here, because they help you track, in hours, just how productive you’ve been. When you’re with your family, be there fully – play games, talk about their day, and listen to what they have to say. When you’re working, focus on your business. This helps you separate the headspace needed for each task.
Remote Work & Outsourcing Is A Massive Benefit
You don’t have to do everything yourself. At work, find people you can trust to take care of things when you’re not there, and that also means outsourcing vital tasks, such as website SEO. At home, ask for help from family and friends when you need it, too. This could mean having someone else pick up the kids from school or help with homework. When you share the load, you make more time for important things like going to your kid’s football match or school play. This means you’re there where it counts.
Make Sure Your Routine Ins’t Solidly Regimented
Life is full of surprises, especially when you’re balancing two major life pursuits. Who knows what could happen? A customer might need something fast, or one of the kids might get sick from school. When this happens, it’s important to be able to change plans on the fly, perhaps by taking a day off or hiring a babysitter. You might have to work different hours or finish up some work at home after a particularly long day. The goal is to keep things moving smoothly, no matter what comes your way, and finding your balance again when you can, knowing this can’t be 100% perfect at all times. You can keep the routine implements that matter, such as keeping a good sleep schedule, always reading to your children at night, preparing for the school run at the same time, or even eating breakfast, and taking your supplements and CBD oil for stress relief before a busy workday.
With this advice, you’re sure to commit to both these intensive tasks.