Fire safety is of the utmost importance in any workplace. Knowing the proper protocols is a great place to start, but it also helps to have the right fire prevention and response equipment in place.
That is where fire alarm call points enter the picture. These are generally used to activate the firm alarm but there is more to it than that. Here’s what you need to know about fire alarm call points, what they do, and where to position them.

What Does a Fire Alarm Call Point Do?
The first thing to know is what fire alarm call points do. Safety is important in any situation or setting, but fire safety is even more important. Fire alarm call points are small boxes mounted throughout a given building that have a button or lever that can be triggered to set off the building’s fire alarm system.
For any fire alarm system, they are a must. They can help begin the evacuation process while also alerting everyone to the potential danger of fire. Some are even more comprehensive, able to activate smoke management systems, alert fire services, and even provide notifications as to where the fire is located.
What are the Call Point Colors?
For the most part, fire alarm call points come in three different colors. Each has its own purpose and meaning, so let’s take a closer look at the three and what they are meant for.
Green call points. These are generally located next to an exit. They are also meant to release a door, generally for exits only, for evacuation in the event of a fire or emergency.
Red call points. The most common type of call point that you will find. These are fire alarm call points, which are used to trigger the fire alarm, activate sprinkler and fire suppression systems, and even notify fire services of the situation.
White call points. These don’t necessarily serve a single function. These typically require additional signage, but it is important to note that white call point systems can’t be used to call fire services, so keep that in mind.
Where to Place Fire Alarm Call Points
One of the most critical aspects of choosing a fire alarm system is knowing where to place the call points. If you have ever been through a construction site, movie theater, office building, school, shopping center, etc., you will have no doubt noticed these boxes.
These should be placed along specified escape routes and right near fire exits. The goal is to be able to activate them without having to slow down the process of evacuation. There should be one on each floor and they should all be visible and accessible. In any areas deemed “high risk,” a call point should be made available.
How Often to Test Your Call Points
In order to ensure that your fire alarm call points are working properly, they should be tested on a regular basis. In an ideal situation, call points should be manually tested on a weekly basis. That said, some don’t require testing for anywhere between three and six months.
Whatever the standards are for testing, make sure that you adhere to them. Failing to test your call points can lead to a failure at a critical juncture. In order to maintain your fire alarm system’s effectiveness, be sure to test all features regularly. It is always good to check with current safety standards to ensure that all aspects and regulations are being followed. It will help to promote proper safety and avoid any potential violations as well.