Manage your debt before the bailiffs call

With the never ending rising costs of living, it’s hardly a surprise to learn that Britain’s household debt is now at an all time peak with families now owing an average over over Β£15000. The… View Post


Bills, bills, bills – sometimes it seems like life is a never ending demand for payment from one person or another. And as we approach the festive season, we can start to think about how… View Post

Your credit report and how to improve it

Have you ever applied for credit and been refused, then wondered why? Well your credit score plays a huge part in being accepted for credit. What is a credit score? – The credit score is… View Post

If the Bailiffs call

I have featured previous posts focusing on debt and ways to sort your debts. However what happens if you’re unable to get your debts in order and there’s that dreaded knock at the door? It’s… View Post

Getting yourself out of debt

It’s a sad fact but recent analysis by UK banks has shown that approximately 54% of UK households are struggling with outstanding debts. Debt can hit any of us at any time for many reasons.… View Post

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